1. group assignment progress (description of our web series)
In the past few years, there have been numeral theories appearing in medias, televisions, movies, story narratives and game studies that feature the rise of transmedia, cross-media and distributed phenomena. The theory of transmedia practice involves the implementation of multiple media platforms to convey a fictional world. Television show nowadays is no-longer just a typical television show, it may have also involved specially crafted books and feature films that are all part of the storytelling. Same goes to websites. For example, Richard Kelly’s 2001 Donnie Darko website, besides just advertising and featuring the film itself, it also reveals details of the character’s lives after the ending of the film plot. (Christy, 2009) Transmedia storytelling was coined by Henry Jenkins. It represents a process where basic elements of a fiction are distributed systematically across multiple channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. (Jenkins and ...