2. group assignment progress (audience & key influence)

Key influence / market research 

The idea of the “Unleash with Hana” web series is a completely different storyline, with different characters. Each story seems separated but it shares the same theme, which is public humiliation, and taking place in the same universe. People may be confused when watching each story, wondering about the connectivity. However, it somehow has details and clues to connect each story to reveal the endings, where at the end of the story, the three characters are the same person. Yet, each story consists of detail and meaning behind it to stand on its own. Inspired from the Black mirror series, there are teasers in each medium we used for the web series to have interaction with the audience, such as the captions in Instagram, the tweets in Twitter and the clue in the video. It is a skill where we lead the audience to participate in the story and find clues within the three stories to reveal the endings.

Audience Research
User-centered design bound to various research and design tactics that include the user in each stage of the design process. It is important to deeply understand your user and the way they interact with each part of the product. One great way is to use a user persona template. This enables designers to formulate a target user  grounding the product. Good user research is crucial to a project’s success. Hence, it is important to know the target audience in helping designers to tailor design specifically to the user's needs. (Tony Ho Tran, 2019.)

The targeted audience for this Transmedia Project are young American ladies, aged 18 to 26, also known as Millennials. The millennials are the largest population in American history, and highly digitally connected. The purchasing decisions of a Millennial is highly influenced by customer experience,both their own and others. (medallia institude, 2016) Besides, research shows that nearly half of consumers are attracted to personalised goods. (Deloitte, 2020). They are willing to pay a premium price for the customized goods. Hence, this could be a marketing strategy in engaging more consumers. 

Tony Ho Tran, 2019. User-Centered Design: Definition, Examples, And Tips | Inside Design Blog. [online] Invisionapp.com. Available at: <https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/user-centered-design-definition-examples-and-tips/> [Accessed 25 May 2020].

medallia institude, 2016. Millennials: Your Most Powerful Brand Advocates. [online] Go.medallia.com. Available at: <http://go.medallia.com/rs/669-VLQ-276/images/Medallia-Millennials-Your-Most-Powerful-Brand.pdf> [Accessed 25 May 2020].
